Blue and silver box – 3D cross stitch 0

Méret: / size: 8 x 8 x 4,2 cm
Hímzés éve / Stitched in: 2007.

This box wasmy first one stitched to became a box. The stitchings were easy to do and to put the pieces together were easier than the smaller ones.

The box was liked at every exhibition I showed it. I also used to show it nowdays, too.

It was shown on the Cross Stitching Exhibition in the Campona in 2009.

You can see several additional photoes above:

Kék-ezüst ékszerdoboz - 3D keresztszemes

Kék-ezüst ékszerdoboz - 3D keresztszemes

Kék-ezüst ékszerdoboz - 3D keresztszemes

Kék-ezüst ékszerdoboz - 3D keresztszemes

You can compare my first two boxes here:

Kék-ezüst ékszerdoboz - 3D keresztszemes

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