This is the latest news on the 3D crossstitches' field. You can use it as a fridge magnet.
I found this Christmas ball on D cross stitiching website and I love it. I think it is anice decorat...
This couldbe a nice Christmas postcard. I had to stitch it carefully since the paper can be hurt ...
This small Christmas tree can be a nice decoration for you festive season. It as gold and red-wihte ...
This box a nice one so I stitched the pair of this asd well. You could see this picture in Campon...
This box a nice one so I stitched the pair of this asd well. You could see this picture in Campon...
I have made this gingerbred house to be able to open as it was requested by Panna. So a small ...
After stitching 3D boxes I started to make this house. It needed more cross stitches on the walls an...
This is my third stitched gingerbread house. Compared with the pastel ones it has more definit...
This postcard was stitched to my mother fro Mother's day. i had to stitch it carefully since the ...
This small house was my first 3 dimensional cross stitched item. I havemet with the Nutmeg Company's...
This box wasmy first one stitched to became a box. The stitchings were easy to do and to put the pie...
This box was one of my first 3D cross stitches. The stitches were quite easy to make them so you can...