Gobelin postcard

My first stiches were like this type but leter I started to stitch cross stitches since the result is nicer for me. 

Apple – gobelin

My first stiches were like this type but leter I started to stitch cross stitches since the result is nicer for me. 

E with flowers – gobelin

My first stiches were like this type but leter I started to stitch cross stitches since the result is nicer for me. 

Tulip bowl -gobelin

My first stiches were like this type but leter I started to stitch cross stitches since the result is nicer for me. 

Brown rose

My first stiches were like this type but leter I started to stitch cross stitches since the result is nicer for me. 

Kitchen gobelin with vegetables

This is one of my first stichings.

Kitchen gobelin

This embriodery is one of my first stichings.

Small flower on black

My first stiches were like this type but leter I started to stitch cross stitches since the result is nicer for me. 

Gobelin sunflower

This is one of my first stichings.


My first stiches were like this type but leter I started to stitch cross stitches since the result is nicer for me. 

Summer sunflowers in vase

My first stiches were like this type but leter I started to stitch cross stitches since the result is nicer for me. 

Summer flower composition

My first stiches were like this type but leter I started to stitch cross stitches since the result is nicer for me. 

Gobelin fruit bowl 2

This embriodery is one of my first stichings. I stiched several gobelins during my collage years.

Gobelin fruit bowl 1

This embriodery is one of my first stichings. I stiched several gobelins during my collage years.

Fruit gobelin series – apple

I stitched this gobelin during my collage years. I stitched four fruits and they were our kitchen's decoration for years.

Fruit gobelin series – pear

I stitched this gobelin during my collage years. I stitched four fruits and they were our kitchen's decoration for years.

Fruit gobelin series – plumbs

I stitched this gobelin during my collage years. I stitched four fruits and they were our kitchen's decoration for years.

Fruit gobelin series – cherries

I stitched this gobelin during my collage years. I stitched four fruits and they were our kitchen's decoration for years.

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