This picture was stitched to Panna. It was shown to the public on the Cross stitching Exhibition ...
i stitched this picnin as a decoration to Pann's room. After she grown up Kati used to hold it on th...
I fallen with love atfirst sight with this black tulip cross stitches. I had to use mixed colors dur...
Gyönyörű virágok a vízparton. Festett hímzővászonra készült keresztszemes csendélet. It was...
Ez a gyönyörű látkép egyke kedvenc képeimnek. Hímzővászonra készült.
The smaller one has bee stitched during my pregnancy with Panna, and the second one has been given t...
I loved to see every day this cross stitch on my kitchen wall. It was shown to the public on the ...
It has a pair with blue vase also. It was shown to the public on the Cross stitching Exhibition i...
It has a pair as well. It was shown to the public on the Cross stitching Exhibition in 2003 in th...
These sybols were stitched in 2003. It was shown to the public on the Cross stitching Exhibition ...
These sybols were stitched in 2003. It was shown to the public on the Cross stitching Exhibition ...
These sybols were stitched in 2003. It was shown to the public on the Cross stitching Exhibition ...
I love strawberries. I love them as fruits, ice.cream, cake and as cross stitches, too.
Ez a kép Pannára várva készült, s mai napig a hálószobánkat díszíti. Nagyon megtetszett a kifinomult...