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Panna a nagy segítség

My daughter, Panna was helping me one day recently. She was claiming that she wished to iron. I wish her keeping this for 15 years later, too. But I also have to tell you I like ironing also

Even is she is only 5 years old, she was an ironing professional . But I have to tell her not to let her put her hands in front of the iron, since she could burn herself this way…. ☺

She was enjoying the fact that she is ironing her own t-shirts and she was folding them as well. I was then taking photos during this time. She was able to stand the iron on the table only with her two hands, since the iron was heavier than she thought.

After a while it seemed she started to be bored and in the same time the iron touched her hand… So it was time to finish the task. We put her finger into a glass of cold water and after some minutes everything was all right.

On the next day she was showing her freshly ironed t-shirt in the kindergarten.

Does your child usually help you? Is this a real help for you, or sometimes do you wish to just do it by yourself?


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