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I have a wall protector quilt ready. I was thinking and changing all the colours and blocks of it for a long time.

I already know that it is hard to buy cotton if I wish it to have small printed designs, but if I wish this not to be flowers, it makes it more difficult or even impossible.

I have placed the letters with stitching but I made the paws independently to have a 3D effect and I like this way of doing it very much.

I was looking for the pictures on the two sides and I found them in the Mesebolt. I will show you some details for inspiration.


Bence falvédő részlet

I have also sewed a small additional picture from the leftovers.   This was a surprise for the boy who received this.

Kis tappancsos foltvarrott kép

I will show the full picture under news & quilts as well soon. Till that time you can tell me your opinions about the wall hanger here.


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