There is a concept in my family called the “big-helper”. The history of the concept relates back to the time when Panna was about 2-3 years old and she wanted to help me in almost everything. Of course she could help me sometimes but in most of the cases it took more time to do something with her help than without it. In the evenings she was so proud to tell her father that during the day she was the “big helper” for me.
Nowadays the situation has changed a bit since Panna is 5 years old now and she can help me in a lot of situations. In these cases she really can be a big help.
Anytime when I make patchworks, she comes to check the materials, to see what it is going to look like and it can also happen that she redesigns my plans. But is is not a big problem. It is clear that she is going to be creative as well. In the kindergarten the supervisors were surprised by how well she can use scissors. Of course, since mine are really sharp and she can use them perfectly.
The previous post was based on photos I found during the organising of my digital pictures, so the case with these pictures is the same. I could not simply save these photos without showing them to you. You can see how much 4 year old children enjoy creating something new and then showing it to me. These chicks were sent to the kindergarten finally and all of the group members received one of them. Panna was telling them? that she was helping during the production too.
And she not only helped me during the chicken stitching, but she was involved in other bigger projects as well. She was handing me the squares during the flannel blanket sewing and she was also helping with her own blanket design as well.

I also found a photo of heart drawings and stitching, too.

Here we are cutting felt into one of the quilts:

What do you think of these type of helpers? Do you also have someone helping you with this kind of enthusiasm? Do you allow your children to help you in your quilts or other creative work? Do you allow them to play with your treasures or are those only yours? I am interested in what you think about involving children in this adult’s world, please share your opinion with me.

Kedves Eszter!
Örömmel olvastam és láttam, hogy milyen komoly segítséged van. Azt, hogy komoly segítség a szó valödi értelmében gondoltam, mert nagyon fontosnak tartom azt, hogy a gyermeknek minden lehetőséget meg kell adni ahhoz, hogy mionél jobban megismerje az őt körül vevő világot, ez a játszva tanulás nagyszerű példája, amikor a gyermek teljes belefeledkezéssel a játék igazi örömével ismerkedik matematikával-rövidebb, hosszabb, keskeny széles..- és sorolhatnám. Úgy gondolom, ha minden szülő engedné gyermekét olyan dolgokkal is tevékenykedni, mint a gombok, anyagok, szalagok, de mondhatnám a krumpli, bab, borsó stb. nekünk fejlesztő pedagógusoknak sokkal kevesebb dolgunk lenne. Én magam az unokámmal vagyok hasonló kapcsolatban, bár még csak két és fél éves, de már ő is segít nekem, szeret kutatni az anyagok között, gombokkal már egészen kicsi kora óta játszottunk együtt, most már egyedül is.Olló használatnál még felügyeletet igényel, mert bár gyerek ollója, van, de jó minőségű és tényleg vág.Remélem vagyunk még egy páran akik úgy gondoljuk, hogy a “foltoskodást” nem lehet elég korán elkezdeni, meg egyébként is “foltoskodás nélkül lehet élni, de nem érdemes” Szeretettel Éva