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My needlework plan for 2008

I have checked my needlework box a couple of days ago and I decided to find out the order of the waiting projects. Now I wish to share this order with you and I plan to share the completed works as well.

My biggest aim with the cross stitch projects is to decrease the number of “waiting for stitching” kits to an acceptable level.  What I already have in the box I plan to stitch in the following order:

  • Small duck cross stitch kit from DMC (it is packed into a big plastic thing so in case it comes out there will be more spare room in the box.)

  • Spring banners – to be able to hang out during this spring

  • My own designed project – I am interested in how it will look

  • Towel for a baby – the owner is going to be born soon

  • I would like to stitch 3 different roses onto different materials using 1 & 2 threads – to play with the looks. It will also reduce the materials in the box dramatically. J

  • A big autumn kit from Leasurecrast. I am a bit afraid of the beads but it must be wonderfull.

  • Lanarte lavender fields 13x18 cm (this must be quick to complete, since the size is small)

  • Lanarte country tables 13x18 cm (this must be quick to complete also, since the size is small, too)

  • Heritage – Toscana – I won this kit in last year’s exhibition as a prize. Originally it is stitched on aida, but my plan is to stitch it to evenweave.

  • Lanarte – Fuchsia – This is one of the biggest projects waiting for me. I already know the future place for the stitched picture.

  • Tablecloths – at least 1 from the 3 pieces

  • RICO banner for Christmas. I have stitched 3 for last Christmas but the biggest one is still waiting for me.

  • Christmas tablecloths.

  • Bath towel for Panna – I have to buy the material for this project.

I think this is the plan for this year. But as know myself, it will be changed during the year. On top of that I have not calculated the time spent on the small kits I receive monthly with my cross stitching magazine. I usually stitch these kits as soon as they arrive.

Before summarising my quilt plans I found my threads for knitting so I will summarise my knitting plans now:

  • I have promised Panna to knit a scarf for her from a brown yarn. It would take only a long evening once I start it.

  • In case I manage to knit another scarf  by May that would be a present for one of my friends. I hope I could manage it during the next few weeks.

  • Since the pullover season is just over within weeks, I think the yarn for my next pullover will be knitted only in the autumn.

  • I have one more kind of yarn for Panna, but now she has plenty of pullovers, so these yarns have to wait at least till next autumn.

After this one page long list I am a bit afraid of summarising my quilt plans. I have some projects in this group that are half-ready, so the main task is to finish them, especially as I wish to show them in exhibitions later in this year. So…

  • Brown-yellow flower quilt – I have to finish it

  • Rainbow quilt – needs to be finalised

  • Double bed cover for ourselves – I have already stitched 145 blocks but they have to be stitched together

  • I am planning to make a block in every month in the next year – which is in line with the seasons. I have already made 2 from these but I have more plans in my mind.

  • I would like to finish the one theme, three technique series. Only the last one is missing.  

  • I would like to quilt a horse wall hanger for Panna.

  • A blue star-quilt bed cover. I am currently colleting the materials for this one.

I don’t know which one from these will be ready in 2009 but I hope that most of them will be ready in this year. (I need energy and free time to finish all these projects.)

On top of these I also have additional plans in needlework but I can’t see any chance to make them in this year…  Just to mention I have the following kits in my box:

  • Lanarte daisy kit

  • Lanarte purple flower 2 pieces kit

  • Winnie the Pooh – seasons kit

  • Winnie the Pooh – with a basket

  • Winnie the Pooh – with honey

  • Snow white kit

  • Tablecloth – 3 of them

  • Christmas red banner

  • All our Yesterdays - full booklet with threads

  • Country Companions – full booklet with threads

  • Snowmen on plastic canvas

  • Cute baby from Cross Stitcher magazine

  • Small bear kit from Lanarte

What are your plans for this year? Do you order your plans for what you will stitch and when? Is it common with you to change the order of your plans? Do you usually have several projects started at the same time?

Please share with me your plans for 2008!



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