...by several bloggers.
This is a game where we wanted to find out what the hidden treasures of the other bloggers are. (And of course we wished to promote each other’s blogs.) Since everyone nominated 7 other bloggers in addition to the seven selected, the game ended soon - but I still hope that I was nominated based on my values. :)
The rules are the listed below:
- I have to tell seven secrets about myself.
- I choose seven other bloggers for this task.
- I remind the choosen ones about this game.
- I list the names of the chosen bloggers.
I believe that this is a good game from what we are able to learn about each other in this way – not only getting to know people from their handiwork but something about their life. Have fun!
I was pointed out by the following bloggers:
These are the seven thinkgs about me:
It was hard to find seven factsthat I thought would be interesting. I have to say , I have not read the other’s lists, so my own thoughts were original . But of course as soon as I post this I will check what the others wrote about themselves.
- I am happy about my family (Imi & Panna) – I know nowadays that they mean more to me than I thought before.
- And if I am talking about family, please someone tell me how it happened that I have an almost 5 years old child around me? She was born just a minute ago... I sometimes wonder when she started growing up. She is almost a small lady, telling me smart things every day.
- I love to travel. I don’t really care about where, with who or how.
- I like to be tidy. This means I am spending a lot of time putting things in their place. Only my quilts are not put away for 2-3 days since they are out of their boxes. Everything else has to go in its place every evening.
- I don’t like small talk . If I am in a mood where I don’t want to talk, it is hard for me to be the opposite.
- I like staightforward people . Even if I don’t always feel the criticisms to be good
- I wish to go to the theatre more . I don’t really like movies nowadays since they are too loud and they are full of blood also.
So these are all things about me.
And now the seven nominated bloggers:
I hope they will like this game also.