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It is usual to be given gifts  at exhibitions, such as smaller quilts, needleworks or even materials or newspapers. It was the same for the quilt exhibition, too.

I also gave some things to the gift box and I also received some tombola prizes back too.  I had 4 winning numbers during the ceremony. You can see the gifts I won there here:


Tombolán nyert doboz

Tombolán nyert újság


Tűpárna és pillangó

I would like to say thank you to all the volunteers who gave these materials. I hope my ones made the new owners happy, too.


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  • Eszter. Kipécéztlek. Remélem nem baj. ld blogomon

  • A Tombol a első képén szereplő tűpárna nagyon megnyerte a tetszésemet, szeretném segítségedet kérni, hogy készül. Köszi: Zsuzsa

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