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Tuesday August 11th, 2009 – 10:14 AM
Welcome – tavasz – ajtódísz
I stitched this hanger based on a DMC pattern.
I have already stitched the spring one some months ago and I orderred the other seasons right then.
Saturday February 16th, 2008 – 01:05 PM
Keresztszemes banner – Kamillák mályva kongrén
RICO mintafüzet alapján készült.
Monday March 12th, 2007 – 06:59 PM
Summer quilt pillows
Pillows made to became a set.
You can find the How-to-do-it tutorial under the following link:
Monday March 12th, 2007 – 06:59 PM
Summer tableclothes
I made this tableclothes with chair pillows to my Mum.
You can find the How-to-do-it tutorial under the following link:
Summer tableclothes