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Kézimunkáim bemutatására készülök

A couple of weeks ago, when I was asked to show my needlework at an exhibition at Encs, in my ex high-school I was very happy. The show will be on this weekend when a huge meeting will be held for the teachers and students who were at this school over the last 45 years.

After the invitation we agreed on the timing and also talked about me holding workshops in case of interest.  I tried to find out what to make on this workshop – in the end I have prepared four different, small tasks for people to stitch on these workshops.

Last year we were stitching chickens so I added one more bird to this list – an owl. I made 300 chickens and 200 owls which can be completed on the workshop.  It means that the stitchers have to fill them and sew the final stitches and sew the eyes in the right place. It is the same both in the case of the chicken and the owl as well but the types of stitches are different.


Csibék Baglyok

Beside the birds – just to have something to feed them – we will stitch strawberries also. These are my favourite fruits. I made 300 pieces of this also.

The fourth type of stitching material will be some small textile hearts.  But I made only 40 pieces of these.

Of course I have made samples from all types of quilts. I hope that more people will wish to stitch these small pieces. Any of them will take only 5-10 minutes to stitch.  You can see the materials for the owls, strawberries and hearts.

I could not really find any nice sampls of cross stitches that can be stitched within a couple of minutes and with a small piece of stitching we are not able to do anything decorative.


Eprek Szivek



But so far I was writing about what can be stitched here… Nevertheless I was thinking about which of my needlework pieces would be worth showing them.  I am planning to show pictures of the cross stitched ones and some of the stitched towels and tablecloths.  I have selected the quilts based on their size, since there won’t be enough space for the bigger ones and we have to think about our car’s capacity, too.

Foltvarrások kiállításra

Two weeks ago we listed the quilts’ sizes and we cut hangers for them.  It will be easier to hang them to the walls.  

I have to write and print out labels under the needlework pieces with their title and kinds of techniques.  I have bought the special paper for this yesterday and I have to make the list of what to write on the labels.

I am going to show some new quilts and cross stitched pieces here that are not yet on my webpage. I will show these ones on this website later in this month and I will also write a blog post about the exhibition, too.

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