I have bought the kits with evenweave since I believe they will look much better stitched in this version of the material.
First, I will stitch the tulip one. I am a bit afraid of the kit, since it is new for me to stitch all the design will be stitched unlike the other designs I have stitched before. I have never counted how many stitches are made during the embroidery of a project, but now it is easy to count. This kit contains 54 x 135 cross stitches so this is 7,290 cross stitches.
Have you ever counted your embroidery’s stitches?
The other new thing in the case of these kits is that I will start the stitches at one of the corners instead of the conventional middle starting. If you ask the reason, I have no proper answer only that “Just because” I feel this way is better now.
The kit itself does not contain many separated colours of threads, but I will need to mix them together during the stitches. I have already tried this method of color-mixing in other different projects, I am sure the the final result will be nice with this technique. It is true, I will have to take more care during the counting of the mixed colours – especially if they are next to each other. I am really waiting for the start and I am wondering how quickly the stitching willgrow.
The summer holiday in the kindergarten is ending soon so Panna will come home from her camp. It means I will have less time for stitching than in the last few weeks. But as you all know, the embroidery is not a competition, there are not deadlines, so it does not matter how long a picture’s stitching takes . But I have to tell you I am always waiting for the final stitches right after starting a needlework project. ☺
I am interested in finding out which part of the material you start your stitches from and how you wait for the finishing touches relating to your needlework. Write and tell me your experiences!

Kedves Eszter!
Nézz be hozzám,van egy meglepetésem számodra!
Kedves Eszter!
Örülök, hogy Panna mellett marad időd varrógatni én ezt nem modhatom el magamról három kicsi mellett, de azért ma próbáltam folytatni egy elkezdett munkámat. Én ha egyet elkezdek be is akarom fejezni, nem kezdek bele másikba 🙂 Bár én általában aluról felfelé szeretek haladni és nem a keresztek számát szoktam megszámolni, hanem, hogy hány méter fonalat használok… Az egyik kis mintámban több, mint hatvan méter fonal ment el, könnyű volt kiszámolni ,mert egyszínű volt :D. Tovább jó varrógatást!
Ezek nekem is nagyon tetszenek, teveben vannak ( a tulipán és az írisz), szóval érdeklődve figyelem majd az alakulásukat.
Kedves Eszter!
Én most lettem kész John Clayton iriszével. Kékben is van egy sorozata. Azt szeretném megkérdezni, Neked hol sikerült megvásárolnod, mert ahol én vettem ott már nem kapható.
Nagyon szépek a kézimunkáid!