I made smaller cross stitched pictures and quilts in last months. I am going to tick them out from my 2008 plans list, too.

I was “hunting” for all the colours of the rainbow quilt’s materials for a long time. But when I received all the colours the sewing has not took a long time to be ready with this quilt. I have even applied to one of the exhibitions with it. The jury found it worth to present the patchwork on the exhibition. You can still see this exhibition in Vajdahunyad Castle by 27th of July.
On the Night of Museums I surprised the visitors with stitching as well as I did it last year. My visitors stitched 397 pieces of small quilts – strawberry, chicks, owls and hearts – what they could keep. I hope, everyone felt themselves very well during these stitching minutes. In case you have not read the summary, please read the post here.
I uploaded only few from the cross stitched works at this time but I am planning to share more soon.
The spring banner – green one with yellow flowers – was made quite slowly even is it is a simple pattern. But the result seems to be nice.
My favourite one from these group is the beaded one based on a pattern from my favourite Cross Stitcher magazine. I applied to the Cross stitch exhibition with this project. You can find more photo of this project under cross stitches menu.
The cross stitched horse picture (Dimensions design) was made to Panna. Since she loves horses she was chasing me for a long time to stitch something horse to her. I could find all material in this kit and also the framing cardboard was included so the stamped frame makes the final result very special. I also added a metal horse to this picture.
My husband called the line stitched pictures to furry bears. I have stitched them within a week using only two colours of grey threads. You can read more about furs and stitches in this blogpost.
In preparation for the Night of Museums it was became urgent to prepare the owl and the strawberry’s description and because it was last minute, so they are well prepared. You can find these tutorials under the 2How to do it?” menu.
I have uploaded the photos taken at exhibition at Encs, at the Night of Museums and at the Hungarian Craftsmanship Exhibition, too. I am still struggling to the photos what we took in London last year what I plan to upload soon.
If you have not done it already, subscribe to my newsletter, which regularly inform you about the recent news on my site, and I am going to send you a quilt block tutorial on a monthly basis.
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Kedves Eszter!
Nagyon örülök, hogy írtál, és gyönyörűek a keresztszemeseid. A keresztszemeseket nagyon szeretem, egész kicsi koromban az első munkám egy száröltéses falvédő volt, de utána folyamatosan csak keresztszemeseket hímeztem, édesanyám tanított meg rá.
Nagyon tetszenek állatfigurás keresztszemeseid, nekem is van sok mintám, terveim között szerepel ezeknek az elkészítése is amihez Te adtál ihletet.
Még egyszer köszönöm.
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