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Texpo Art 2008. – Romania – Iasi – Kiállítás katalógus

A minap megkaptam az épp véget érő kiállítás katalógusát.  Végignéztem, s megállapítottam, hogy nagyon jó társaságba keveredtem. Színvonal...

Texpo Art 2008. – Romania – Iasi

I applied for one more exhibition this summer. The exhibition was organised in South-Romania at IASI. The name of the show was Taxpo Art 2008 and it w...


It is usual to be given gifts  at exhibitions, such as smaller quilts, needleworks or even materials or newspapers. It was the same for the quilt...

Without borders – 2008.

There was an exhibition in the Buda Castle organised by the Hungarian Quilt Association. Photos have been made of the exhibition Measu...

FoltTopic – opening ceremony

Our nice small internet-based needlework group held its first exhibition opening ceremony today. We met with quilters and non-quilter members at S...

FoltTopic exhibition at Újpest

What do you think the internet is good for?  It is a meeting point of people as well as a source of information. There are people who are pos...

Quilt show in Birmingham

As I already wrote earlier in a previous post, there was a yearly Quilt Show in Birmingham in this year August. I was excited about this exhibition...

Ribbon embroidery workshop

I have been thinking for a long time on whether to choose two smaller or one larger course at the Quilt 2008 exhibition. At the end I decided to choos...

Memories from the London Stitch and Craft Show

I have been wishing to participate  in this yearly exhibition in the UK since I have been cross stitching.  There is a huge show by the ...

Irány Birmingham!

Tavasszal, amikor még csak bontogattam webes szárnyaimat, láttam a Foltvarró Céh honlapján egy lehetőséget.  Európa egyik legnagyobb foltos ...

Magyar Kézművesség 2008 és a Reneszánsz éve kiállítás a Mezőgazdasági Múzeumban

The 14th time organized craft exhibition has been opened on last Friday.  I went to this opening ceremony and it was good to see other craft-make...

Chicks, owls, strawberries and small hearts on the Night of Museums in 2008

Here comes the summary I have promised before. We arrived to Vajdahunyad Castle around 6 pm on Saturday afternoon. We carried a big suitcase and a ...

Stitching surprises at the Night of Museums – 2008

  (Click on picture to see it bigger!) The yearly craftsmanship exhibition was organised in Vajdahunyad Castle in last summer.  My wor...

Needlework candidature for the 2008 crafts exhibition

Just like in previous three years I am going to be one of the candidates of the yearly craftsmanship exhibition organised by the AMKA.  I think t...

Solo exhibition at VMG -Encs – 31.05.2018.

I wrote about my plans and preparation for this solo exhibition in my high school. But when we put together all needlework I was not really sure they ...

Kézimunkáim bemutatására készülök

A couple of weeks ago, when I was asked to show my needlework at an exhibition at Encs, in my ex high-school I was very happy. The show will be on thi...

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