
You can read my latest news here as well as stories about my everyday (needlework) life. Follow me here, and come back as often as you can!

Karácsonyra hangolódva

Hát ennek is eljött az ideje. A tegnapi napom azzal telt, hogy a fél lakást átsuvickoltam, ablakokat pucoltam, port töröltem és még hasonló Karácson...

Még nem karácsonyi újdonságok – december elején

Beköszöntött az év utolsó hónapja.  Leesett az első hó, igaz, nálunk el is olvadt.  Már csak alig több, mint három hét van hátra az Ünnepeki...

DMC fémszálas karácsonyi lapocska

Ezt a képeslapot egyik este készítettem, s közben fotóztam, hogy hogyan is alakul a minta. Még a birminghami utam során szereztem be ebből a so...

Jöjjön a megígért meglepetés!

Néhányan próbáltátok kitalálni, mi is lehet a következő meglepetésem. Az előző heti blogbejegyzésemre érkeztek ugyan jobbnál jobb tippek, de egyik sem...

A második virág írisz lett – Sorsolás következik

Az előző bejegyzésben láthattad, miként is alakult a második virágom sorsa, milyen virág kerekedett belőle.  Jöjjön hát a szavazás összefoglalása...

Heritage virág – a második – Írisz lett

Biztosan sokan várjátok már, hogy megmutassam, milyen is lett a második virágom.  Remélem a végeredmény azoknak sem okoz csalódást, akik esetleg ...

Christmas gift game

I still remember in my school years, when before Christmas we chose a piece of paper from a basket with another  child’s name on it and we h...

Heritage flowers – the second

  I have asked your opinion about which one will be the following Heritage flower. And I received some tips on it. I have to tell, the righ...

Final touches on my rose pillows

At the end I have stitched the last of my rose pillows. As I wrote earlier, the all the six pillow was stitched with two types of thread used – o...

The second Heritage flower

What do you think, the second flower is going to be?   This photo shows you the results of one of the last evening’s stitches.  Guess fr...

News from this autumn

I showed new photos on my webpage in the beginning of summer. Even though the summer went so quick and I had not too much time to spend on stitchi...

It is ready – my first Heritage xstitch

I was stitching hard in these last weeks so I have already finished the tulip by the beginning of last week. I was thinking about whether I am ...

Heritaige tulip

I started my next big project. As I mentioned earlier I wish to stitch a series of four cross stitch pictures. The first will be the tulip one. I r...

Memories from the London Stitch and Craft Show

I have been wishing to participate  in this yearly exhibition in the UK since I have been cross stitching.  There is a huge show by the ...

Rose pillows – part 5

Just before stitching them together I took some pictures of the roses. You can see the differences on these photos.  I am just wondering w...

Rose pillows – part 4

The fourth pillow was completed during a single evening.  Actually during an afternoon and an evening to be correct. Panna was  at her grand...

My next cross stitch project – four Heritage flowers

I am sure you will be faced with the following words in the following months several times: Heritage and cross stitched flowerssince the Bordeaux flow...

AOY – small stitches

One night I was reading a Cross Stitching magazine. This issue was one of my London-presents from an earlier trip of my husband when he visited the ca...

How about my plans for 2008

I wrote post in April in which I described my plans for this year. Now I write a summary what I have already made from it an about what I changed. ...

News in July 2008

Since my last news a lost of things has happened with me. I try to share these events and needlework with you here in my blog, but now I wish to share...

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